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Custom colors

You can customize the colors used in global.css.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
@layer base {
:root {
color-scheme: light dark;
--light-mode-background: 240 240 240;
--light-mode-foreground: 0 0 0;
--light-mode-foreground-muted: 50 50 50;
--dark-mode-background: 10 10 10;
--dark-mode-foreground: 255 255 255;
--dark-mode-foreground-muted: 205 205 205;
body {
background-color: light-dark(
<div class="bg-darkModeBackground/50"></div>

Adding custom colors

  1. Add your color to global.css under the root selector.

    @layer base {
    :root {
    /* ... */
    --super-blue: 0 0 255
  2. Define your color in tailwind.config.js.

    export default {
    theme: {
    extend: {
    colors: {
    superBlue: "rgb(var(--super-blue) / <alpha-value>)"
  3. Use your color in your markup.

    <div class="bg-superBlue"></div>